Ego....o local eleito para o reencontro comigo! Sem mais pretensões senão a de existir! Feito por quem desejou fazer das palavras de todos, um pouco mais suas!
Já chegou o frio, chegaram as luzes, os enfeites, a cor. Chegou a pressa, a correria louca pela procura de uma ou outra prenda que representem a importância de alguém, que comprem a ausência de outrém, sempre com o consumismo a ser levado ao extremo máximo. É o Natal, já invadiu o Porto, está a invadir-me a mim também.
"One, two, three Counting out the signs we see The tall buildings Fading in the distance Only dots on a map Four, five, six The two of us a perfect fit You're all mine, all mine
And all I can say Is you blow me away
Like an apple on a tree Hiding out behind the leaves I was difficult to reach But you picked me Like a shell upon a beach Just another pretty piece I was difficult to see But you picked me Yeah you picked me
So softly Rain against the windows And the strong coffee Warming up my fingers In this fisherman's house You got me Searched the sand And climbed the tree And brought me back down
And all I can say Is you blow me away
Like an apple on a tree Hiding out behind the leaves I was difficult to reach But you picked me Like a shell upon a beach Just another pretty piece I was difficult to see But you picked me Yeah you picked me"
Sinto-me pequena demais para acrescentar alguma coisa que seja à música...